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Mail by Sender
Followed Senders
- Amazon Web Services
- GitHub
- Slack
Followed Senders
Amazon Web Services6 emails - Service Updates(3); Billing(2); Security Notifications(1)
New EC2 Instance Types Available (3) - We're excited to announce the launch of new EC2 instance types optimized for high-performance computing and machine learning workloads...
2:30 PM
Your AWS Bill for May 2023 (2) - Your AWS bill for the period May 1 - May 31, 2023 is now available. Total amount due: $1,234.56...
May 1
Important: Security Update for Amazon RDS (1) - We've released a critical security update for Amazon RDS. Please update your instances as soon as possible...
3 days ago
GitHub5 emails - Security Alerts(2); Pull Requests(2); Actions(1)
Security alert for your-repo (2) - We found a potential security vulnerability in one of your dependencies. We recommend upgrading to the latest version...
3:45 PM
[your-org/your-repo] Pull request #123: Add new feature (2) - A new pull request has been opened by user1234: 'Add new login functionality'...
11:20 AM
GitHub Actions: Workflow run failed (1) - The workflow run for 'CI' in your-org/your-repo has failed. Click here to view the details and logs...
1 hour ago
Slack3 emails - Mentions(2); Direct Messages(1)
You were mentioned in #general (2) - @you Hey, can you take a look at the latest design mockups? I'd love your feedback...
1:15 PM
New message from Jane Doe (1) - Hi there! I was wondering if you had a moment to discuss the upcoming presentation?
3 hours ago
Other Senders
(2 senders)Sender Profile
Amazon Web Services
Recent Emails
Emails from Amazon Web Services
Amazon Web Services6 emails - Service Updates(3); Billing(2); Security Notifications(1)
New EC2 Instance Types Available (3) - We're excited to announce the launch of new EC2 instance types optimized for high-performance computing and machine learning workloads...
2:30 PM
Your AWS Bill for May 2023 (2) - Your AWS bill for the period May 1 - May 31, 2023 is now available. Total amount due: $1,234.56...
May 1
Important: Security Update for Amazon RDS (1) - We've released a critical security update for Amazon RDS. Please update your instances as soon as possible...
3 days ago